Thursday, October 30, 2008

Eyes, Nose and Mouth - Oh My!

With a new sonogram picture, we thought a new post was in order. These days Butter is growing bigger, the heartbeat is amazing to hear and we can even feel the baby move every now and then. This picture is of the face and one of the arms. I think the eye debate is over, those huge eye sockets are definitely from Charlotte's side of the family! If you look closely you can see a delicate little nose and mouth - very sweet. During this sonogram we were also able to see 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. Looking ahead, we are excited to head south and introduce our little Butter Bump to our Mississippi family.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Butter Baby

Butter Baby at 13 Weeks - we couldn't believe how active the baby was when we went in for this sonogram. We are calling the baby Butter for now since all the baby seems to eat is butter (butter bagel, butter noodles, Butterfinger icecream, peanut butter, etc.) Charlotte thinks the baby has her eyes, but it may be a little too early to tell!
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